Jet-Lag Cures Claim to Keep Body Clocks in Tick-Tock Condition
Kathleen DohenyWhen customers enter Distant Lands book and travel supply store in Pasadena looking for jet-lag remedies,โฆ
February 20, 2023
Drug Being Used to Improve Cognition Affects Dopamine, Suggesting Potential for Abuse
ABSTRACT Preliminary research in healthy men suggests that the narcolepsy drug modafinil, increasingly being used to enhanceโฆ

February 2, 2023
Approved and Investigational Uses of Modafinil : An Evidence-Based Review
ABSTRACT Modafinil is a wake-promoting agent that is pharmacologically different from other stimulants. It has been investigatedโฆ

February 20, 2023
Modafinil Therapy for Apathy in an Elderly Patient
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To present a case of successful treatment of apathy syndrome with modafinil. CASE SUMMARY: Aโฆ

February 20, 2023
Use of Modafinil for the Treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To review the evidence for the use of modafinil in the treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivityโฆ

February 20, 2023
Modafinil for Atypical Depression: Effects of Open-Label and Double-Blind Discontinuation Treatment
ABSTRACT Atypical depression, with features of hypersomnia, hyperphagia, anergia, and rejection sensitivity, is a common presentation ofโฆ

February 20, 2023
Effect of Modafinil on Core Temperature During Sustained Wakefulness and Exercise in a Warm Environment
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Previous studies have revealed that modafinil elevates resting core temperature during periods of sustained wakefulnessโฆ.

February 20, 2023
Effects of Dextroamphetamine, Caffeine and Modafinil on Psychomotor Vigilance Test Performance After 44 h of Continuous Wakefulness
ABSTRACT Prolonged sleep loss impairs alertness, vigilance and some higher-order cognitive and affective capacities. Some deficits canโฆ

February 20, 2023
Open-Label Study of Adjunct Modafinil for the Treatment of Patients with Fatigue, Sleepiness, and Major Depression Treated with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
ABSTRACT Despite the efficacy of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in the treatment of major depression, aโฆ

February 2, 2023
A Systematic Review of Modafinil: Potential Clinical Uses and Mechanisms of Action
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Modafinil is a novel wake-promoting agent that has U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval forโฆ

February 20, 2023